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Friday, September 17, 2010

What Can I Do Today...

Today I don't have a lot of energy. Ok. I have zero energy. Its one of those days where the vertigo is winning. So this is going to be short. But as I was lying there all curled up on my sofa with my kittens enjoying the soft breeze through my windows...I was enticed by the smell of delicious exotic spices and warm bread smells drifting up from my neighbours flat. As my mouth began watering and my stomach growling and my brain rejecting the thought of eating any more frozen pizza or chips and salsa (haven't had a ride to the market yet since I returned home from England) I had an idea! I will learn how to cook a new ethnic food. I may not have the money to travel to a far off part of the world at the moment....but what is one of the first ways we experience any new culture?! EATING! Sometimes this is expensive...and piggy bank is full of glitter and wishes at the moment but not a lot of money. But just takes a bit of creativity! Maybe I can fit one new dish in a week to break the monotony of the ramen/mashed potato diet I'm currently embracing.

Where to begin you ask? Well on my last day in England I woke up early and spent the day wandering around the stalls and street vendors of Camden Market. Looking for my breakfast, I came upon a stand selling Spanish foods and though beautiful, they are almost never vegetarian. But on this particular Saturday they had it! A vegetarian potato tortilla! And it was the best thing I'd had on a cool morning in ages! Warm and familiar yet exotic. Perfect for the Autumn weekends that are just around the corner.

So now I am bravely on a mission (from a reclining position on my bed ...praying the room would spin the other way for a bit! lol) to find a recipe to recreate this yummy goodness. I promise to share my results, along with any recipe that actually tastes the way its supposed to. And if anyone knows how to make this, please please share your secrets!

I'm off! But maybe a nap first...

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